UPPSALA | Thursday 3rd Nov at 19:00
Trick or treat or Jack o’lantern? Witches abroad or all saints?
Satisfy your curiosity as well as your longing for storytelling when Sara Lilja Visén and Stina Björkelid guide you through the history of Hallowe’en, with the help of stories and poems from days of yore to present days.
There will also be time for the audience to read a few of their favourite ghost stories.
Don’t be shy, don’t be scared – join us for a night of hauntings and horrors in the safety of the bookshop!
Date: Thursday 3rd November
When: 19:00 (the spooky hour...)
Where: The English Bookshop, Uppsala
How much: 80 kr, tea and cake included.
Book your seat now – remaining tickets sold at the door.